Hello there crafters! I see you have found our website in the hopes of learning how to get epoxy resin off of your hands and skin.
Well, we hope you are not typing with sticky resin fingers on your phone or keyboard, but if you are, don't worry.
We have a solution for getting resin off of your hands and skin right now, and a solution for this problem that you can easily make and keep near your sink that works wonders. (Hint, it's not warm, soapy water).
We have two natural recommendations that we have successfully used to get resin off hands.
To get epoxy resin off of your hands or skin, use hand scrubs made from natural ingredients.
Chemicals such as vinegar or rubbing alcohol can interact with the resin and cause skin reactions or irritation.
Natural scrubs can be made at home and one we have for you can be made ahead of time and can be kept by your sink which will get resin off hands and skin.
Continue reading to see our two easy homemade hand scrubs to get resin and epoxy paint off hands and skin.
Before we get started, we need to address an issue that not a lot of websites are talking about, and that is the safety precautions you should be taking if you are working with resin.
Many epoxy resin brands claim to be non-toxic, but there are still precautions you should take to protect your skin, eyes, and lungs.
We have written an article after doing extensive research into the potential risks of working with resin and non-toxic resin, and we highly recommend you read it. Check it out, it is called Epoxy Resin Safety Precautions.
We wear proper protective gear, and that includes proper respirator face masks and nitrile gloves when we work with resin.
However, we find that sometimes we still end up getting a drop of epoxy resin or epoxy paint on our skin occasionally.
Sometimes, yes, it happens. Here is what we DO NOT recommend: using vinegar for removing epoxy resin from the skin, using alcohol or alcohol wipes, rubbing or isopropyl alcohol. Do NOT use these chemicals.
Basically, what many bloggers and websites out there are recommending you use to remove resin from skin (vinegar, alcohol...etc) could cause an adverse reaction to your resin-exposed skin that you do not want.
Here is a recipe that has worked extremely well for us to remove epoxy resin off of your hands. You can find the full recipe and detailed instructions and video on our article How To Make Sugar Scrub At Home. Again, we recommend making ahead of time. This is a great one to make and leave beside your sink!
We keep a sugar scrub on our sink at all times. It is wonderful if you are a jack or jill of all trades in the crafting world and find you are getting paint/glue/mod podge and every other medium on your hands often.
Yes, we understand that totally. This sugar scrub will leave your skin feeling soft and clean.
It also makes a wonderful homemade gift if you are looking for DIY crafts you can give away to friends and family! (And fellow crafters for their crafting hands!)
Should You Wear A Respirator Mask When Working With Resin?
You may also want to read more about whether or not you should wear a respirator mask when working with epoxy resin. Check out our article, The Proper Respirator Mask For Working With Resin, where we talk about why you should consider wearing a respirator, what the risks are if you do not wear a respirator, how comfortable one is, and how much you should pay for one.
You may also be interested in checking out our YouTube channel! Here is a video we did for a tutorial of geode resin art! (Notice our pink nitrile gloves for safety!)
See our other YouTube videos here, and be sure to hit subscribe!
We hope you found this post useful and informative, and again, we hope you have had the chance to read our Epoxy Resin Safety Precautions article. When working with a substance
such as resin, even if it says it is non-toxic, you should know the risks and precautions of working with it and protect yourself adequately.
More helpful resources
If you liked this article, be sure to PIN it now so you can find it again easily later! We would appreciate that.
Happy crafting! xoxo
Great tips! I have dyshodrotic eczema and when I get resin on my hands I break out in tiny blisters all over my fingers that itch for days even with my prescribed cream. I’m an avid user of sugar scrubs to get it off as quickly as I can, but I still react.
Hi Derek, oh no! Most likely just an infection from the jab if the resin was already cured, but we are not medical professionals, so please seek the proper advice from a doctor. Hope your thumb feels better!
I jabbed my thumb with pin that had dried resin on it and washed it with rubbings alcohol and soap. I pinched the thumb to push out as much blood as i could. The thumb is throbbing now so I am not sure if it is just the jab causing it or possible infection.
Hi Cindy, oh no. If the resin has cured, it will be really tough to get off. Don’t use any harsh chemicals with resin, even though it has cured. I would try an abrasive, natural scrub on it and soaking it in warm water every day and it should eventually come off. Next time you are working with resin, if you want something to protect your arms, check our our article “Epoxy Resin Safety Precautions”, you can find a barrier cream to put on your skin before working with resin, or you can buy sleeves to help protect yourself from resin exposure on skin. Also, make sure you are wearing the proper gloves – latex gloves will not provide an adequate barrier between skin and resin. Good luck!
Hi Alicia, so glad we could help you choose the right type of gloves! Using the proper safety equipment with resin is so important. We also highly recommend wearing the proper respirator mask as well, which you will see us mention in all of our resin articles. Also, so glad you like the sugar scrub! Keep up the creativity :)
Thanks for the info on resin. I love working with the stuff and was using the wrong type of gloves. The sugar scrub is a hit. I love the way my hands feel. Look forward to future updates.
I developed a rash on my arm that is really itchy. I believe that I got resin on it without my realising it. It is on the inside of my lower arm like where it would be if you rested on the table. I tried using nail polish remover on it but still feels hard. Will this wear off and should I be worried?
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August 14, 2023
I work with Resin