Color swatching is a very handy way to have a quick reference point when deciding what colors you are going ot be creating with.
There are many resin colorant choices you can use when deciding how to tint your epoxy resin. Today we are sharing a really great way to make color swatches for your resin colors at home, and this is a piece of art that can hang on your wall for your own color reference guide.
This resin color swatch was super easy to make and it looks great hanging on my wall as a helpful little piece of art.
Here is how to make a resin color swatch.
1. Paint your artist board with the white acrylic paint and let it dry completely.
2. Using a pencil, draw in your circles. You can draw as many as you would like, we drew 20 for an 8x10 board and that was perfect for the number of ResinTint's we have.
3. Plug in your glue gun, let it heat until glue is soft and ready, and very carefully glue over your pencil circles. Try to be consistent in how deep the wells are.
4. Let the glue dry completely until it is cool and solid.
5. Taking your gold paint, paint your dried glue rings gold and let it dry.
6. Wearing your proper resin protection, mix your resin together in a container (we like to use silicone containers to mix our resin in), and pour enough into each little ring to cover the bottom of it.
We highly recommend using nitrile gloves and the proper respirator for resin, whether or not your resin says it is non-toxic. You can read about which respirator we wear here and why:
READ: The Proper Respirator Mask For Working With Resin
7. Using your wood stir stick, mix a very small amount of the colorant into each circle.
*Also keep in mind not to mix more than 10% colorant to resin, no matter what colorant you use. Can read more about what you can use as colorants in our Resin Colorant Guide).
8. Using a heat gun, pop the bubbles in your resin. We would advise you to stay away from your flame torch for this one as it would heat up the hot glue again and would possibly wreck your gold circles.
9. Let your resin color swatch cure somewhere where dust or pet hair won't fall onto it. A good way to do this is to leave it somewhere safe with a Rubbermaid container turned upside down over it as a cover.
Resin normally takes about 72 hours, but check with whatever brand of resin you are using in case this is different.
10. Write the names of the resin colors on top of the swatches themselves. For this you can use a black Sharpie fine tip pen for the light colors, and a white, Sakura Gelly Roll pen for the dark colors.
Since this is hanging on our wall and isn't being touched we were not worried about the paint pen coming off.
Read Best Paint Pens For Resin Art Here
11. You can now hang it on your wall. Doesn't it look great!?
You can watch us making this resin paint swatch in our video below, where we unboxed our ResinTint from ArtResin.
I'll start the video right where we start to talk about the resin color swatch board, but you can watch the whole video for some tips and tricks.
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All of our resin articles on DIY Craft Club
Geode Resin Supply Store on Amazon
How To Find a Proper Respirator for Resin Work
We hope you enjoyed making this resin paint swatch with us!
Have a creative day :) xoxo
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