
BEST DIY Salt Scrub Recipe of 2025!

BEST DIY Salt Scrub Recipe of 2025!


Hey friends, here is an easy DIY honey lemon salt scrub recipe.

Hands dry out when they are exposed to drying elements, especially SOAP and HOT WATER. Soap strips the skin of natural oils which makes skin very tight.

If you are not re-introducing oils back to your hands, the hands will continue to dry out further and this can lead to cracking and rough, irritated skin.

Can a salt scrub put moisture back into your hands and skin? Yes! Read on to discover how to make an easy DIY salt scrub at home to bring moisture back to your hands and have them feeling soft and smooth again. 


This easy hand scrub is really simple to make and you only need a few ingredients, which you probably already have on hand.

You can also whip up a quick batch of this salt scrub for yourself or give away as a gift! Who doesn't love getting homemade gifts?

And this homemade salt scrub takes the cake!

diy honey lemon salt scrub recipe


This is one of my favorite salt scrub recipes for hands because it has a perfect balance of oils to salt ratio! But feel free to adjust it to your preferences.




Here is how to make a hand scrub at home!

1. Get out a large bowl and pour in the sea salt and lemon zest.

2. Add in all of the oils, honey, and lemon essential oil and stir really well until mixed.

3. Scoop into locking containers to keep it fresh. Use within about two weeks.

To use your homemade DIY salt scrub for hands, take a bit of the scrub and gently rub it all over your hands for at least 20 seconds or so. Wash off with warm water.

For a spa party (or just for fun), you can kick this up a notch by filling a glass bowl with warm water and rose petals to rinse in!

Rosewater smells heavenly with the citric notes of lemon and adds to the ambiance!

Another fun idea is to have a tub for your feet to soak in while you are doing the salt scrub.

You can add a few drops of essential oil to the footbath, or if you are feeling very crafty, you can make your own bath bomb for your foot soak!

Check out our DIY Bath Bomb recipe here.


best salt scrub recipes for gifts

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DIY Honey Lemon Salt Scrub Recipe For Hands

Have a beautiful day! xoxo

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