
Blog Post Ideas For A Jewelry Business


best jewelry marketing ideas

Jewelry Business Marketing Ideas

Are you looking for some blog ideas to write about for your jewelry business to help with your marketing? We are going to help you out with some fantastic blog post ideas that will help skyrocket your jewelry sales. This article is helpful for those of you who are just starting out with your jewelry business. Even professional jewelry designers will find this super helpful for new marketing ideas that might not have been thought of yet. We have curated a whole month of blog post ideas for your jewelry business that you can use over and over! 

After you are finished this article, head on over to Pantone | What All Crafters And Artisans Need To Know

Jewelry Marketing Ideas With Purpose!

If you want your jewelry business to bring in some new traffic, you can use this list to start crafting your blog posts weeks and even months ahead of time. Spending a few hours a month to plan your blog posts takes away a lot of marketing stress and gives you more time to pour into the creations of your necklaces, rings and other jewelry products you offer. It's all right here for you.


Daily marketing for your jewelry business is a priority. When you start to blog about your jewelry business, you will see more traffic coming in as the months go by. The most important reason is to develop a following of customers and clients who might not have heard about your business yet. Blogging about your jewelry business on a regular basis helps build trust, branding identity, and provides valuable search engine traffic which in turn provides extra hits to your jewelry listings and other products that you offer. We have carefully curated one month of blog post ideas for you to use to help get you some more organic traffic to your jewelry company.

31 Blog Post Ideas For Your Jewelry Business

best jewelry marketing ideas

The printable worksheet version that you can put into a binder is HERE

Day 1 | Introduction

Introduce yourself and your jewelry company. Do this even if you have been blogging about your jewelry business for a while. It will give new customers a chance to get to know you better, and your regulars might learn something new about your jewelry business. Write a few paragraphs about how your jewelry company got started and share a story that will draw your readers in.

Be sure to share your store link within your post twice. Your store link should go somewhere in the beginning, and then again at the very end. So write something like this "When I first started your store link here..."  And then at the end "Thanks for taking the time to learn about store link here, I hope you will continue to watch my jewelry company grow!

Be sure to share tons of photos of your space and products in a natural setting.

Day 2  | Talk About Your Best Selling Jewelry Designs

Talk about your best selling products, rings, necklaces, and pendants. Showcase at least 5 of your favorites and more if you want to focus on a theme. Be sure to share products and designs at various price points. Tell your readers how they are made, what inspires you to create them, and how you choose your materials. Customers love that!

Watch out for rolling of the eye phrases when writing about your products. Don't say "Our jewelry designs are made with quality findings". (rolling eyes!) Instead, focus on specifics. Say "Our handmade resin pendants are created with real Lavender flowers that we source from a small farm in France". Or, "It takes over 20 hours to delicately place each stone in its setting when making our signature necklaces from this collection” See the difference?

PRO TIP Keep a thesaurus handy to help you write descriptive content. I keep a small one tucked away in my planner so when I have an urge to write, it’s with me at all times! Amazon has many sizes here. And if you download our planner version of this post, it comes with a bonus section with many different phrases and word ideas for you to use when you are writing up your posts! It really helps with those days when you have writer's block.

best selling jewelry on Etsy

Image by Layered & Long on Etsy. Visit Store

Day 3 | Work In Progress On A Special Jewelry Piece

Time to show how your products are made. Pick an item and tell a story about how it comes to life. Be sure to take lots of great product photos and link to the product page so your readers can buy it right away! Talk about the details. What you think is just everyday stuff, isn't to your readers. They love to see how creations come to life, so even photos of paint colors, pens, tools, your hands. All of these things will draw your readers in. This is a perfect time to gather some of your supplies to show what goes into making a brooch, pendant or charm.

Day 4 | Behind The Scenes

Time to show off your creative space. Talk about your favorite tool or what time of the day you have the best lighting for creating your designs. And again (you are going to hear this over and over), take really great photos! How do you wire wrap your earrings and get the perfect fit for your stones or gems? Show it! Show the intimate details of your design space. Your readers will love getting a sneak peek into your creativeness.

Day 5 | A Closer Look At One Item

Feature one item from your shop and talk about it. Tell a story about why you make it or how it's made. Go into details about why you chose this particular product to feature today. Is it on sale? Do the colors go with the season? Is it a gift idea for an upcoming holiday? Tell your readers what makes this item special.

Day 6 | Inspirational Or Funny Story About Your Jewelry Business

On this day, tell an inspiring or funny story about your shop. It could be that you were excited to send an order to Italy for the first time, or your morning coffee routine went awry. One jewelry maker posted a funny picture on their blog when they accidentally spilled their glass of wine on their packaging table! Oops! Every business has an inspiring story to share so dig deep! You can do this! Write at least 500 words.

Day 7 | Best Selling Jewelry

Showcase 3 of your best sellers. If you make one of a kind jewelry items, feature 3 of your favorites today. Be sure to take great close up shots and link to the product pages for purchasing. Write about how perfect these three pieces would be for an evening out, daywear, or paired with their little black dress. Do your products come gift wrapped? If you have special packaging be sure to share those kinds of pictures. Customers love to see the final product and that includes the packaging! Show them exactly how their purchase will arrive.

best jewelry marketing ideas

Day 8 | Coming Soon

Get your readers excited with a coming soon post! This post should feature something you are working on right now. A new bracelet collection? A new color change? Something for the new season? Talk about how far ahead you work on your collections or products. If you have a trunk show or artisan show coming up talk about that today. Again, lots of beautiful photos that your readers can scan over.

Day 9 | Inspirational Post

Curate another inspirational post about what inspires you to create your jewelry designs or how you got started. Posts like these are important because you want your blog to be more than about selling your product. Readers get bored of that pretty quickly and search engines will bury your blog fast! So these kinds of posts will keep your blog well-rounded AND search engine friendly. Try to write 3 short paragraphs.

PRO TIP If it's difficult for you to come up with ideas on the fly, write things down. The best ideas can come to mind when you are packing orders, making products, or out and about with the kids. Always have a notebook close by. Check out our planner reviews to help you pick the best one for your business planning

Day 10 | Coupon Or Offer

Today you are going to share a sale, or a coupon to your readers as a thank you. If you don't want to put an item on sale, you can also give free shipping or a buy one get one free offer. Another idea is to offer a free gift with orders over a certain amount. If there's a holiday coming up, pair it with that for an extra search engine boost.

Day 11 | Behind The Scenes

Behind the scenes posts are like gold so be prepared to share posts like this throughout the month. Customers and readers LOVE seeing what goes on beyond their favorite products. It's like getting a glimpse into a special magical place. Today tell a story about your one favorite tool that you can't live without. Post lots of studio pictures and even close-ups on how you store some of your jewelry making tools.

Day 12 | Work In Progress On Three Items

Showcase 3 items you are working on and take one great work in progress photo for each design. Each product should have one paragraph talking about the piece underneath the photo. Let your readers know when you will have them available, or offer to reserve these pieces for those who would like to pre-order them. It's wonderful to have orders for products before they are even completed! Work in progress posts gets readers excited and gives them something to look forward to.

best jewelry marketing ideas

Day 13 | Flatlay Photo Of Your Products

Show your store from a different perspective. Take a flatlay photo of your tablet or phone showing your website with some of your products around it. Say something like "Our shop is always open" or "Just listed these amazing bracelets, grab them before they are gone". You can keep this one short about 250-450 words.

Day 14 | A Closer Look

Feature one product or collection from your jewelry store today and talk about it. Be sure to share beautiful product photos and links so that someone can purchase it right away. Talk about special features and how it came to be. Insert at least 5 photos of this collection or design.

best jewelry marketing ideas

Day 15 | Trend Spotting In The Jewelry Business

This post will take some research on your part. Today you will be featuring a trend that your product fits into. This post is going to help with your search engine traffic and let your readers know you are spot on when it comes to making jewelry designs that are cool and hip. Some trend ideas are Pantone's color of the year which all jewelry makers should know about! (read our Pantone article here) Or write about floral patterns that are coming out this season. If you work on minimalist pendants, for example, you can talk about how your pendants and necklaces go perfectly with a simple v neck t-shirt. If you need help with this, just Google trend spotting. Try to curate 4 paragraphs and feature at least 3 products within those paragraphs with links and photos.

Day 16 | Spotted or Milestone

Customers like purchasing from stores and shops that are successful. It makes them feel like they are part of a club and their taste is confirmed by others making the same purchases. Today you will share a post on where your products have been featured. If you haven't been featured anywhere yet, don't worry. Instead, share a milestone like your 100th or 10,000th sale or your 30,000 Facebook fans. Something fun and enlightening for your readers. Talk about how grateful you are that they are on this journey with you.

Day 17 | Behind The Scenes

Today you will talk about how you package your jewelry designs. Go into details about your beautiful packaging. Do not miss this step! Customers want to see how their order will arrive, and it might make a difference between your products and another shop they have their eye on. What makes your packaging special? Do your products arrive gift wrapped? Is your packaging eco-friendly? Do you hand make all of your jewelry pockets? This is a great time to show off some of your most beautiful products alongside their packaging.

best jewelry marketing ideas

One time I was looking for a special Mother's Day gift for my mom and was searching for a cameo pendant. I was comparing two Etsy shops. One company had the most beautiful wrapping! It was made from recycled handmade paper and I was drawn to that immediately and made my purchase.

Day 18 | Something New You Are Working On

Write about something new that is in the works for your company. Do you have a new Pinterest page? What about a loyalty program? Perhaps you submitted your products for a magazine feature. Did you go on a supply run and find something that you can't wait to try? Is there a new section on your website? Share something exciting and new today. Write about 1000 words with at least 6 product photos within this post. 

Day 19 | A Closer Look

Feature one product from your store today and talk about it. Be sure to share beautiful product photos and links so that someone can purchase it right away. Try to write about 500 - 750 words today.

best jewelry marketing ideas

20. Day 20 | Work In Progress

Show another work in progress today and be sure to go into details about how this beauty comes to life. You don't have to give out secrets, just be sure to take lots of great photos and talk about what makes it special and unique. How long does it take for one of your creations from start to finish? Again, offer to reserve this piece for those who would like to pre-order.

21. Day 21 | Behind The Scenes

Talk about what's on your table today! What are your favorite tools? Are you packaging an extra-large order today? Working on social media? Are you going on a supply run? Working on a better website experience for your customers? Trying a new technique? Did you upload a sneak peek video to your Instagram? Talk about what’s new.

best jewelry marketing ideas

Day 22 | Sharing Time

Today you are going to talk publicly about your goals and dreams for your jewelry company. Dig deep here! Where do you see your company in 2 years? What kind of progress have you seen since you started? Take this opportunity to connect with your fans and readers and show them there are hard working people behind their orders. What are your plans for next month? Try to write about 1500 - 2000 words here. That might seem a lot but if you separate it into 4-5 paragraphs, it will be easier (Who, What, Where, When & How).

Day 23 | Thank You Post

Today write a simple thank you post. Thank everyone who is reading your jewelry blog, shopping, visiting your social media. Feature some of your 5-star feedback. Thank you to everyone! Let them know you will continue to offer the very best customer service and products. Be humble and talk from the heart.

Day 24 | Social Media

Today's post is nice and simple but very important. It's time to share all of your social media and email subscribe links today. Just let everyone know where to find you all around the web. If you have a large following, be sure to show those numbers too. If you don't have a large following yet, leave them out for now and just share where people can be social with you. Social media marketing and sharing can be challenging. By sharing your social links once a month will help grow your traffic.

PRO TIP Share a contest by telling customers to tag your Instagram with their purchases for a chance to win a prize or discount today.

Day 25 | Care Instructions

No matter what you sell there's care, storage instructions, and cool tips that you can share with your readers to keep them engaged with your jewelry products. This kind of post helps readers learn something new, brings in more search traffic, and gives your blog authority. For example, how should you clean sterling silver? Can your pendants be worn during swimming or bathing? Use headlines like Best Way To Clean Our Sterling Silver Pendants.

Day 26 | Best Seller

Today you will talk about your very best seller of all time. If you have one of a kind items, talk about your best selling collection instead of focusing on one single product. Share all of the item specifics and talk it up! Tell a story about it, share how long you have been offering this particular design and even share how many have sold if you dare.

Day 27 | Magazine Post

Today you will blog about your favorite magazine. This post has two goals. One is for more organic traffic to your blog and the other is to get a possible feature in your favorite magazine of course! Talk about your favorite magazine in at least two paragraphs and tell your readers why you love it so much. Go as far as picking one recent article to write about and share how it relates to your company. After your post is published be sure to contact the editor of that magazine and let them know that you wrote about them and suggest a collaboration in the future. When you see other jewelry designers in magazines and featured in interviews, more often than not it’s because they actively engage in marketing their company.

Day 28 | Behind The Scenes

I know that there are many behind the scenes posts within this challenge, but it's because they work. I can't stress enough how people love to see what's going on beyond the products they are purchasing. Talk about anything!

Yesterday I bought a hanging basket full of beautiful flowers for my patio. I could easily put together three paragraphs talking about these florals. I can write how the elegance and simplicity makes me happy and gives new inspiration for future color choices for products. How their delicate and fragile petals remind me to be a better person for the environment. See how that works? Always pair your writing with beautiful photos. You can use this flower idea if you want to!

Day 29 | Best Gift Ideas

Figure out what holiday or gifting season is right around the corner and curate a best gift ideas list. Feature 10 of your products in this post with a variety of price points. Use a headline like Our Top 10 Best Sellers, or Best Bracelet Ideas For Mom, or Best Gifts For Women Who Love Gold. Best lists draw in lots of organic traffic!

Day 30 | Welcome New Readers

By this time you should have a few new readers and visitors to your blog! Tell a bit more about your company and say a special welcome to all of your new fabulous readers. If you have noticed a large spike in traffic, show off those numbers! Be sure to share a special offer like free shipping or a coupon code as a thank you.

PRO TIP Don't worry about your numbers too much right now! It takes 6-7 months for a blog post to start gaining traffic on Google. Just keep going! Don't give up!

Day 31 | Share Industry News

Find some news stories about your industry and talk about your thoughts about it! This will engage your readers and you show how you are up on trending topics!


Insert at least 2 links to your store or product pages within your posts. Google likes it when you add your own links within blog posts and as the months go on you will see more traffic and a better ranking on your blog posts. And you can direct your potential customers to another jewelry collection or even a special offer section on your website.

Double check that all of the photos in each post link to your store or product pages when clicked on. This is good practice because people automatically move the mouse around on pages to see what can be clicked on. Don’t miss that opportunity to direct traffic to a specific listing.

Share only quality photos of your jewelry and designs. So be sure to take really great pics and learn how to edit lint, spots, or hair out of your backgrounds! If you don’t have a good background for taking photos, a plain white poster board will work perfectly fine. We also have hundreds of printables here that are perfect for backgrounds. Get lots of close-ups of your jewelry pieces.

Name your jewelry photos and files with SEO-friendly names. When you are saving your jewelry photos, make sure you name them something that someone would search for. For example, if I have a Druzy Ring for sale, I would name the photo Druzy Ring by YourCompany. So now you just told Google that you sell Druzy Rings and when someone looks that up, you will show up in the image results. Super important for organic traffic.

best jewelry marketing ideas

Share your store link at the very bottom of each post. That’s right, even if they are already on your blog, you still want to give someone the opportunity to go right back to your store.

Insert a Pinterest save button code so your readers can pin your photos to their boards. This is very important because Pinterest is king when it comes to social media sharing. Pinterest pins last way longer than a single Facebook or Instagram post. So you will want to give your readers the opportunity to save their favorites to their boards. Find save buttons in the help section of your Pinterest account.

Repeat this formula every month!

I hope this helps you with your jewelry blogs and businesses. After 30 days, repeat or start incorporating your own ideas into this formula! And remember, it takes at least 6 months for Google to start noticing a new blog so don’t feel discouraged. I know sometimes you might feel like nobody cares or is reading but you have to put the time in. It's all about creating good content and time for people to find you! Don't give up. You can do this!


The printable worksheet version is available of this article.


Photo Pendant Mockup Bundle styled photos for your photo pendant jewelry business.

Did you find this article helpful? Please Pin it to your Pinterest board so you can find it again later.

best jewelry marketing ideas

Blog post and marketing ideas for your jewelry business

8 Responses


February 02, 2025

Keep up the great work! Thank you so much for sharing a great posts.


June 12, 2023

very interesting, good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog.


May 28, 2023

“Amazing write-up!”


May 28, 2023


Gem and Jewel
Gem and Jewel

April 18, 2023

Amazing article to Reading and useful for us


April 15, 2022

Thank you for sharing this blog. It is very useful to us. Mangatrai Pearls

Richelle Taylor
Richelle Taylor

January 25, 2022

Useful tips, thanks for sharing.

Vector Design
Vector Design

January 16, 2022

Great ideas. It helps me much. Thanks.

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