
RESIN ART | Don't Start Resin Art Without This Guide

Resin Art

Resin is the most amazing medium to work with, and it has the ability to produce gorgeous, best-selling pieces of resin art that everyone loves. Resin art looks gorgeous displayed in the home, and is as versatile as it is beautiful.

Resin art is any form of art created with a resin medium including epoxy resin, UV resin and polyurethane resin. Resin art is admired for its glossy, reflective surface and its versatility in pouring a fluid medium onto a surface or mold to create various forms of resin art from it.


We talk a lot about the versatility of resin in creating resin art, but do you know everything you can make with resin?

With resin, you can make a variety of resin art pieces including

  • resin bracelets by pouring resin into a mold and inserting dried flowers, colors, glitter, objects and more
  • resin pendants by pouring a doming resin or a self-levelling onto a pendant blank
  • geode resin art by pouring resin onto a geode cutout or a canvas
  • glossy resin artwork or photos by pouring epoxy resin onto your finished piece to make it hard and shiny
  • custom tumblers by pouring resin onto stainless steel tumblers on a turner
  • resin bookmarks, book and binder covers, pens, jewelry and more by pouring resin onto silicone molds

The list of resin art can you make with epoxy resin goes on and on. There are so many unique ideas of what you can create with resin. When you begin looking into the items you can make with resin, it can become overwhelming once you realize the sheer number of things to consider, such as:

  • which resin should you use for your resin art?
  • what can you use to color resin with and at what ratio?
  • what can you add to resin?
  • what are the safety considerations when it comes to epoxy resin?
  • how long does resin take to cure?
  • what can you draw on cured resin with?
  • how do you get the bubbles out of your resin art?
  • what molds can you pour epoxy resin into?
  • what substrates can you pour resin on?
  • what kind of gloves should you wear when working with resin?
  • how to properly mix resin and hardener?
  • how long does resin last for?
  • will resin yellow over time?

Once you are ready and inspired to make resin art, when you don't know the answers to these resin questions it can be discouraging and can dampen the flame that sparked that inspiration in the first place.

Don't be discouraged, there is a fantastic resin e-book that can answer all of these questions and more.


Check price of The Resin Art E-Book here


Resin Art E-Book1.0


This is the ultimate resin e-book that you need to have on hand when making resin art.

It teaches you how to choose a resin for your project, what you can make with resin, tips and advice about pouring resin, getting bubbles out of resin, stirring resin, resin soft cure and hard cure times, where to make resin art, it has an a-z glossary of resin terms and so much more.

Best Resin EBook



This resin e-book also has a great section on resin safety, which is often not talked about in the world of resin.

Many resin artists do not fully know why you need to protect yourself when working with resin, but it is something that is easy to do with just a few safety precautions.



Resin Art 1


In this resin e-book, you will also note that there is a "shop this item" on many pages, which will show you the exact products we are talking about as we share recommendations on resins, substrates, molds, resin safety gear, glitter, mica powders and colorants and more. So you can leave the guess work out.


Resin Art Ideas


Be inspired to create resin art, and have everything you need to know about resin right on hand with this resin e-book. Be sure to save this page by bookmarking it or saving a pin to your resin Pinterest board. We will leave one for you below:


Resin Art Ultimate E-Book

Happy creating! xoxo

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