Quality: Your post must be grammatically correct and thoughtfully written and should be useful to our readers.
Categories: Keep in mind the following categories: Crafts & DIY, Food, Home & Garden.
Affiliate Links: Your post must not include any affiliate links or links to products.
Length: Post must be a minimum of 500 words and preferably more.
Tutorials: If submitting a tutorial, post must have clear step by step instructions with photos.
Copyright: You agree that you are the original owner and curator of the blog post. You may not submit a post that has already been published on another blog or website. We verify originality of all content and perform regular checks on all blog posts to ensure that they do not violate any copyrights.
Self-promotion: We allow one dofollow link at the bottom of your article that can go back to your blog or website. And if you like to write a short bio about yourself, feel free to do that. This will encourage our readers to visit your blog!
Distribution: By submitting your blog post to DIY Craft Club, you agree that you will not share or duplicate the content to another blog or website. Google penalizes websites for that. We perform regular checks on all blog posts.
Cover Photo: Cover photo must be at 600 x 1000 pixels @72dpi. Please browse through our site so that you match up with our style and colors.
Quality: Your photos must be high quality. Browse through our site to get a feel on how your photos should be displayed. Pay attention to the details and make sure your images are clean.
Copyright: We check all photos via reverse Google search to make sure photos have not been copied from another site.
Size: Photo sizes should be 1000 pixels @72dpi on the long side.
Quantity: Please include at least 3 photos with your post if possible.
Pinterest: Submit one vertical image for Pinterest 735 x 1100 pixels @72dpi. We will create a Pinterest photo for your post.
We will replace photos with quality photos if they do not meet our quality bar. If we cannot find proper photos to go with the article, they article will be rejected.
Guest post submission does not guarantee publication. All submissions are subject to approval. DIY Craft Club reserves the right to make any changes if necessary before the post is published and also after.